Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

Free Printable College Student
Planner for 2022

Graduation is just a month away for most high schools and colleges; an exciting time for seniors everywhere! But there are only three short months of summer to enjoy before students are thrown back into the world of academia.

To ensure that you are best prepared for the next school year, or even next semester, print out this free college student planner to use inside a ring binder.

Why Use a College Planner?

If you find yourself missing class and deadlines and notice your grades slipping, it could be simply because you lack the proper organizational tools necessary for a successful college experience.

Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking, I don’t need to use a planner. I’ve got it all up here (pointing to your brain). have shown time and time again that handwriting improves memory and intelligence.

A study of students who took notes on paper compared to students who took notes on a laptop resulted in the pen-and-paper notetakers retaining more information than the laptop students.

So if you use an online method of tracking your assignments, deadlines, and schedules, consider trying out a physical planner and see how it enhances your college success.

How to Build the Planner

These printables have some extra room on the side margin to be hole-punched for a ring binder. We’ve sized the planner for standard U.S. letter size and A5 size.

  • Get a binder to hold the pages. It’s recommended that you get an A5 binder to save space, and since the printable planner is a minimalist style, there is plenty of room to write.
    UniKeep A5 binders are ideal for looseleaf planners – they have full-wrap overlays for custom covers, and rings that never misalign, and they fully enclose so you can also store pens, pencils, a mini ruler, and more inside the binder.
  • Print out the planner for free by clicking here.
  • Create your cover art. The UniKeep A5 overlay takes inserts sized 9.06” high and 14.83” wide. Use digital software like Photoshop to create the cover or handmake your own for an extra personal touch.
  • Get your necessary accessories. Stock the binder with extra goodies to make sure you can be as organized as possible; this could mean page protectors, dividers, adhesive pockets, or whatever else you think you may need inside your go-to planner.

Check out all of these and for inspiration.

How to Use the College Planner Printables

Here’s a quick breakdown of the free pages included in the kit:

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

1. Monthly Calendars

You’ll want to track all important dates at the beginning of each month using the monthly calendars. This makes it easy to look at a month’s plan at a glance.

Use it to jot down birthdays, bills, appointments, breaks, holidays, and bigger assignments like projects and exams.

The days are not numbered so these calendars can be used for any year.

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

2. Class Schedule

Registering and scheduling classes is a big deal at the start of a new semester. You don’t want to be late for your first day of class, so use this class schedule page for organizing your courses.

The class schedule page has columns for Monday through Friday and space to write what course you have in which building/room, the time it meets, and the instructor’s name.

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

3. Homework Tracker

The homework tracker is going to be one of the most important layouts you’ll use in college. Simple yet effective, this page has checklists for your assignments – whether it’s textbook reading, quizzes, tests, exams, or worksheets.

Just print one out at the start of each week. Whenever class meets and deadlines are announced, write down the name of the homework and the due date.

When you are done with classes and it’s time to do homework, refer to this page to see what work needs to be done and by when. If this tracker is used correctly and adhered to, you surely won’t end up with a single missing or late assignment.

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

4. Teacher Contact Info

This page is basically an all-in-one contact book for your instructors and advisors. Instead of using up space in your phone, keep academic contacts separate.

When questions arise and you aren’t in class to ask your professor, flip open to this handy page for the course they teach, their name, office hours, email, and phone number.

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

5. Textbook Tracker

research shows that students spend anywhere between $1,200 to $1,400 per academic year on textbooks and course materials alone. That’s a lot of money!

The good news is, you may be able to get some of that cash back by renting out books for cheaper or buying them and selling them once you’ve passed the class.

The textbook tracker’s purpose is to give you a place to track each textbook you rent or buy, what you paid for it, and when you are able to sell or return it.

This a helpful page for making some money back!

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

6. Daily Schedule

We threw in the daily schedule for the hardcore planners out there. Plan out your day down to the half-hour and check items off the to-do list.

The daily schedule is especially helpful for students involved in clubs and organizations, which can meet frequently.

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

7. Terms and Definitions

More of a study tool, the terms, and definitions page allows you to avoid cluttering your textbooks and spiral notebooks with sticky notes and disorganized scribbles. Remember key terms and concepts by filling out the terms and definitions sheet.

It also makes for an effective substitution for flashcards – just grab a piece of paper, cut out a rectangle in the top left corner and place it over the definitions sheet. Quiz yourself on the curriculum by sliding the paper down to reveal the correct answer.

And there you have it! This 18-page free printable PDF college student planner will be a lifesaver if you’re new to college or you need a little more structure in your educational endeavors. Print out all of the pages, or just the ones you think you’ll need. Either way, we hope it helps you get more organized and focused in school.

College Preparedness Tips

If you’re a high school senior or a parent with kids about to start college, how much have you prepared? Do you have your FAFSA completed, have you compared college options, and do you know the four types of direct federal student loans?

The UniKeep College Preparation Binder can help you plan and prepare for college. It has printed pages with helpful worksheets for finances, scholarships, college costs, ACT and SAT registration, applying for college, and more.

All of the pages come inside a durable UniKeep 3 Ring Binder, and we also threw in some accessories (10 page protectors and 5 tabbed pocketed dividers) so you can store university pamphlets, transcripts, acceptance letters, dorm leases and anything else you want to keep organized.

Free Printable College Student Planner for 2020

Check out the College Preparation Binder on Amazon and – it’s a great product to pair with your 2020 college planner.

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