posted by: Bryan Gordon


A Special Father’s Day Thank-You from the UniKeep Team

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Since Sunday is right around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to say “thank you” to all the outstanding fathers, grandfathers, and husbands in each of our lives. We also encourage you to spend some the day with Dad if you can, and maybe even take some time to think back fondly on memories you have of your own father figures.

I distinctly remember my dad taking me to the Cincinnati Reds opening day game as a 8 year-old boy many, many years ago. Seeing a game in person, learning what was actually going on from moment to moment, and singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” with my dad ignited a lifelong interest in baseball and sports in general. Without getting into an overly dry discussion of sabermetrics, suffice it to say that I owe a fair bit of my fascination with sports statistics to my father as well. I can’t really imagine finding ERA exciting without my dad being there to explain it to me.

Trading Card Binder

He was also responsible for getting my card collection going. I recall getting started with a hundred or so baseball cards, which my dad had randomly picked up at a charity auction. Not long after I had growing collections of football and basketball cards – stacks and stacks, in fact. Any card collector will tell you that half the enjoyment comes from being able to show off an extensive collection; I would spend hours in my dad’s office, organizing and reorganizing the cards in their binders and little inserts.

And, believe it or not, I still have all those cards at home – due in no small part to them being so neatly preserved. I’m sure my dad thought little of it at the time, but the rituals of going to games and of studying trading cards made a big impression on who I am today. It’s just one of so many ways my dad made me the man I am, just by being the man he is.

So be sure to let a dad near you know that you appreciate all they do. And if you happen to be a father yourself, we sincerely hope you enjoy your special day.